by way of a major university study focused on past performance
of nearly 70 schools.
The Effects of Thinking Maps in Raising Student Achievement:
A Retrospective Study of Outcomes from Implementing Schools.
Using school-level achievement data gathered from state department of education data warehouses, logistic regression analyses were used to examine whether or not schools using the Thinking Maps program are significantly more or less likely to surpass the reading and math achievement growth exhibited in their respective school districts. These analyses examined the achievement outcomes of roughly 70 elementary and middle schools while controlling for school and district demographic characteristics and prior achievement.
Analyses indicated that across grades 2 to 8, schools that used Thinking Maps outpaced the achievement growth exhibited in their districts at a statistically significant level. These results appeared after the first and second year of program use in reading and after the second year of use in math.
This third-party study showed that schools using Thinking Maps were roughly 2 times more likely to surpass average growth rates for their districts than schools not using Thinking Maps.
Reading: Schools using Thinking Maps were 1.8 - 2 times more likely to surpass average district growth rates. Math: Schools using Thinking Maps were 2.7 times more likely to surpass average district growth rates in math.
This study offers useful information on the background
we provided in our comprehensive text:
"Student Successes with Thinking Maps®"
(Corwin Press; Hyerle, D. and Alper, L. ed.)
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The findings emerged during phrazle the first and subsequent year of program implementation in reading, and after the second year of implementation in math.