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Background of TSI USA:


TSI USA has a dual focus.  Designs for Thinking consulting group ( and its team of TSI Global Trainers (David Hyerle, Larry Alper, Robert Price and Estee Lopez) has worked with schools in the US and around the world to support a whole school approach to the development of thinking.  This has primarily occurred through the implementation of Thinking Maps® as the foundation for supporting teacher development and improving student performance. Please contact Dr. David Hyerle ( for further information on bringing the Thinking Schools approach to your school and system. 


The nonprofit organization Thinking Foundation ( was created over five years ago to support research on thinking process instruction.  This research includes significant case studies with extensive video documentation by Thinking Schools, doctoral level research on specific approaches, and action research by individual teachers and schools. Thinking Foundation funds research, but also is proactive in broadcasting the tangible results. Thinking Foundation will soon announce the debut of a new documentary film on the impact of Thinking Maps across a  school system in Mississippi that was “wiped off the map” during Hurricane Katrina.  The foundation also supported the writing of the Pathways to Thinking Schools book that is a comprehensive view of the theoretical framework, practical outcomes, and long term implications for reframing schools around the vision and research on thinking (Corwin Press, 2014; Hyerle and Alper, editors).  Over the past few years the Foundation has been a major supporter of the Thinking Schools Ethiopia initiative that has grown from grassroots, school to school. Thinking Foundation is presently working on refinements of the Thinking Schools accreditation process (TSAP) that is being used around the world to support schools in their journey toward becoming a Thinking School. 



Contact David
for Keynote



An example of the Thinking Foundation’s work can be seen in the video below. The schools of Pass Christian, Mississippi, victims of the devastating effects of Hurricane Katrina, systematically focused on students’ thinking year after year… for the past 10 years.   Thinking Maps became one of the foundations for thinking and learning across disciplines.  The documentary film “Minds of Mississippi”  was produced in partnership with Thinking Foundation and

is an inspiration for Thinking Schools internationally.

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